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Your Body’s “Check Engine Light: How to Tune into Your Health


A few months back I was speaking with someone I know, and they told me that their check engine light had been on for months, but they hadn't taken the time to get their vehicle checked out and it got me thinking. We all know that sinking feeling when the “check engine” light comes on in our car. It’s a warning that something isn’t right, even if the car still seems to be running fine. But what if we treated our bodies the same way we treat our cars? Like cars, our bodies give us warning signs when something is off, and it’s up to us to listen before a minor issue becomes a major problem. Unfortunately my mom didn't listen those warning signs right away so by the time she went to the doctor to get herself checked out she was told her time on this earth was limited. My mom ultimately passed from bladder cancer, which spread to her bones at the young age of 58 in Sept of 2017. I dedicate this blog post to her and Pastor Andrew, who is seen praying over her. He received his heavenly wings 2 years ago today.


What the Check Engine Light Means (for Cars and Bodies):


1. In Cars: A Warning, not a Catastrophe (Yet)

When the check engine light comes on, it doesn’t always mean your car is about to break down right away. It’s a signal that something needs attention—whether it’s a loose gas cap or a more serious engine issue. Ignoring it can lead to bigger problems down the road.

2. In Our Bodies: Early Warnings of Bigger Problems

Our bodies also have a “check engine” system, though it might not be as obvious as a dashboard light. Feeling unusually tired, persistent headaches, or unexplained aches and pains can be early warning signs. These signals are your body’s way of saying, “Something needs attention.” Like a car, if you ignore these signs, they can snowball into bigger health issues.


Common “Check Engine” Lights for Your Body:

1. Fatigue: Your Energy Reserves Are Low

    -Constant fatigue is one of the most common warning signs your body can give. It could be your body’s way of telling you that you’re overworked, sleep-deprived, or even facing a deeper health issue like anemia, thyroid dysfunction, or chronic stress.

2. Digestive Issues: Your Gut’s Warning Light

Bloating, indigestion, or persistent stomach discomfort can be signs that something is off in your digestive system. Like a check engine light, this could be an early warning for issues like food intolerances, poor diet, or even something more serious like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

3. Headaches: Your Brain’s Alarm System

Recurring headaches or migraines are your body’s way of signaling that it needs help. Whether it’s dehydration, stress, poor posture, or something more serious like high blood pressure, your body is asking for attention.

4. Mood Changes: Your Mental Health Check Engine Light

Sudden mood swings, irritability, or a persistent feeling of sadness or anxiety are signals that your mental health might need some care. Just like ignoring a check engine light can cause further damage, neglecting your mental health can lead to bigger challenges down the road.

5. Aches and Pains: Musculoskeletal Maintenance

Chronic back pain, joint stiffness, or muscle aches may seem like minor annoyances, but they are often your body’s way of telling you to take a break, improve your posture, or address potential underlying conditions like inflammation or injury.


Why We Ignore the Warnings:

1. Denial or Busy Lives:

Just like we sometimes ignore the check engine light in our car because we think it’s “no big deal” or we’re too busy, we often do the same with our bodies. It’s easy to push through discomfort, convincing ourselves that it’s just temporary. But just as ignoring that light can lead to expensive repairs, ignoring our body’s warnings can lead to more serious health issues.

2. Fear of What We’ll Find:

Sometimes we avoid addressing health issues because we’re afraid of what we might discover. But just as catching a car problem early can save money and prevent a breakdown, catching health problems early can lead to better outcomes and fewer complications.


How to Respond to Your Body’s Check Engine Light:


1. Don’t Ignore the Signals:

Whether it’s persistent fatigue, unusual pain, or changes in mood, your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to it. Don’t wait for the problem to escalate before seeking help.

2. Get Regular Health Check-ups:

Just as your car needs regular maintenance to run smoothly, your body does too. Routine check-ups, blood tests, and screenings can catch problems before they become major issues.

3. Self-Care and Preventive Maintenance:

Just like putting oil in your car or getting a tune-up, regular self-care practices like eating a balanced diet, exercising, staying hydrated, and managing stress are ways to maintain your body’s “engine.”

4. Consult a Professional:

If the symptoms persist or worsen, don’t hesitate to see a healthcare professional. Just like you’d take your car to a mechanic, your doctor can run tests, give you an accurate diagnosis, and offer solutions that could prevent future problems.


Always reemeber your body, much like your car, has a system for warning you when something is off. The trick is to recognize those “check engine” lights for what they are: early warnings that require attention. By tuning into these signals and addressing them sooner rather than later, you can keep your body running smoothly and avoid more serious health issues down the road.


So, next time you feel a twinge of pain, constant fatigue, or a change in mood, remember—it’s your body’s version of the check engine light. Pay attention before it turns into something more serious.


Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.


"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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