How many of you have heard the phrase "stop being bossy"? I know I have countless times. I am the oldest of 3 and I was always bossy. When I became a mother, I was bossy again. When I served in the ministry, I was bossy then too. But sometimes you have to know when it is warranted and when it isn't.
Recently my younger sister and I were in Florida on a vacation. We were about to leave house and on our way to the beach. I plugged my phone in so that the vehicle would put the GPS on the screen in the car I was driving and we could be on our way. We got about a few miles down the highway and my phone got disconnected. You see, my sister was reaching for her phone, and it bumped into my phone and caused it to disconnect. At the moment I got irritated because now the navigation wasn't working and the only way for it to work was to pull over and put the car in park. I didn't want to have to keep looking down at my phone and I snapped at my sister. I said, "damn, you just cannot put that phone down, can you? Here we are in this beautiful place, on our way to the beach and all you are doing is looking at your phone. You would think that you would love to look around and take in this beautiful place." My sister responded then put her phone down and, in that moment, I had to check myself.
I apologized to my sister for being bothered and bossy. I had to remind myself that each of us vacation differently. And who was I to check her on what she was doing when she is a full-grown adult and can make her own decisions? I have to remember to resist the urge to control everything and everybody. When I lead by example, one would hope people will follow. Especially if it is something that will enrich their lives. I had to focus on empowering her. Actively listen to what she was saying and understand where she was coming from. Because my sister drives for her day job, she was not used to being able to just sit, relax and be on her phone. This was her way of being in the moment and I should have been okay with it.
I must always remember to practice respect and strive for empathy. When I foster an environment where we are both collaborating on an event or an idea, I will create an atmosphere where we both feel valued and empowered to contribute our best. Remember, we can be assertive and effective without being bossy.
Sending you love, light and positive vibes,
Cassie K.
"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"