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Father's We Need You!


Don't get all frustrated by this week's blog title as I know children need their mothers too.  I want to speak to the many children who grow up without their father in their homes or anywhere in the vicinity if the parents are no longer together.  According to google search, I found that according to recent data, approximately 25% of children in the United States live without a father in the home, meaning roughly 1 in 4 children grow up without a father figure present.


I was at the YMCA a few weeks ago walking around the raised track above the gymnasium.  I noticed a father with his son shooting hoops and it hit me in my heart. It brought me back to the time when I was coming up and how my dad was not in our home.  How we had to fight to survive in our own home because we didn't have the protection that a father could have provided. As I slowed down my walking pace and watched how the father was coaching his son on how to dribble the ball, where to plant his feet when he took a shot, or how to keep his eyes looking straight ahead when he was going up for the shot, I was filled with so much joy. I felt a brief moment of sadness that my siblings and I missed out on that, but I also was happy to see this brother taking this much needed quality time with his son.  This wasn't the first time I have witnessed a father and son duo in this way, this was just a moment where I was feeling a type of way and wanted to let you know.  When I finished my workout, I stopped by the gym and told the father that I loved seeing this.  He smiled at me and continued on with his son.


I now understand that relationships won't always work out the way we intended them to, but it's up to us as adults and parents to make sure we are an active part of our children's lives.  I know from personal experience that when I had my children and the relationships with their fathers didn't work out, I did everything I could to make sure my kids' fathers were active by giving them their game schedules as well as programs to different events they were participating in.  Ultimately, it was up to them to make the right decision. For the most part, they decided not to be active, and it has had a negative effect on their relationships now that my children are young adults.  


If you are a father and you are reading this blog post, please make every effort to be a part of your child's life.  Our kids didn't ask to be here. We made that choice and it’s up to us to make sure that they know we care and are there to support them.  As a father, you serve as a protector of your children.  When you are emotionally supporting your kids, they tend to be more confident, emotionally strong and resilient. When you are an active part of your kids’ lives, especially your sons, they learn how they should treat the women in their lives. Your daughters will understand how not to be treated by men.  When you stick around for the long haul and engage in activities with you children, you build lifelong bonds that create a sense of belonging and trust. 


Fathers are irreplaceable pillars in the home.  Their presence, love and guidance can shape the future of their children, ultimately influencing them in ways that will last a lifetime.  Every father should recognize the power of their role and strive to be the best they can be for their children whether they are still in a relationship with their children's mother or not. 

Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.

"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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