How many times have you heard the phrase, "communication is key?" To have good communication, we also need to have a clear understanding of what is being communicated. I know for me this can be challenging because I keep a lot of things in my head. So, if I don't clear it out or make sure I am in the moment when we are speaking to one another, I might miss what it is you are saying to me. In every area of our lives, whether personal or professional, effective communication is the foundation of success. Clear and open communication fosters healthy relationships and could drive businesses to grow. It also ensures that ideas are understood, conflicts are resolved, and connections are strengthened.
We have to make sure we are connecting the dots when we converse with one another. Are you picking up when I am putting down or are you lost somewhere in your thoughts? Am I listening to understand or listening to respond? There is a big difference. Most importantly, am I listening at all? When we are not fully engaged, we tend to make assumptions which then turn into misunderstandings. When we start any type of relationship with poor communication habits, it can create a barrier.
We must take the time to learn each other's communication style. We all communicate differently. Some people are direct and expressive, while others are reserved. I know for me; it depends on the situation and who I am speaking to. If I am communicating with someone I am romantically attracted to, I find myself a little shy and reserved. If I am communicating with one of my adult children or my dad, I find that I am very direct and to the point.
We must remember that great communication is not about being perfect but about being intentional.
When we actively listen, express our feelings clearly, manage our concerns respectfully and stay consistent, we can strengthen any relationship that we have.
What communication habits are you good at? Which ones would you like to improve on? Only you can become a better communicator if you so desire.
Sending you love, light and positive vibes,
Cassie K.
"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"